
LGBTQ Christians Reconcile Faith and Identity

Rev. Luther Young, Jr. was featured on a panel sponsored by Stonewall Columbus on reconciling faith and LGBTQ identities. Rev. Young shares his story of wrestling with his calling to ministry while being a member of the LGBTQ community. He reminds us that despite what people say, “God will take you and care for you and water you and nurture you.”


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The Ohio Fairness Act

Rev Luther Young, Jr. was invited to speak during a press conference at the Ohio Statehouse to announce the introduction of the Ohio Fairness Act, which seeks to protect LGBTQ+ people from discrimination in employment and public accommodations.



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Practice Wellness

Let’s face it, the world is not always kind to us and situations of adversity or set back sometimes come out of nowhere.  A nasty fall, a health crisis, a relationship issue, the car breaks down, a job loss, the death of a friend or loved one. are all examples of situations that can turn our lives upside down and render us scrambling?

Some situations may pass by quickly, in a few days, weeks, or in a month or two. However, long some situations have the capacity to blindside us or cut us down to tears. We may even feel helpless or even hopeless.  That’s why we need a backup plan, so we can be resilient in any situation. Building up your ability to be resilient is a good plan for self-care and practicing wellness.

Let’s begin with a working definition of resilience. In general, it means the ability to bounce back. When applied to your life, it means bouncing back and getting things back to normal or as close to normal as possible after experiencing a set adverse situation like the examples provided. You have seen examples of these in your own life before, such as having a health care plan, life insurance, homeowner’s insurance, or a rainy-day fund.

Even businesses have plans for disasters or adverse situations that they encounter. A business owner may hire extra help during certain seasons or when they know a key employee will be out for an extended period. Your plan for resilience is like your personal disaster plan.  


Things you can do to develop resiliency:

  1. Write down your strengths’. In your darkest moments. Do this when things are going well, because when you feel defeated, you may have a difficult time remembering what your strengths are.
  2. Write down the times when you overcame a difficult situation. Be specific. Include how you did it and how felt after you overcame the situation?
  3. Just as you must learn your strengths, you must also know your weaknesses or the skills you need to work on. Develop a plan now and start to work on them.
  4. Develop your inner circle of support. Have at least one person whom you can talk to that can keep your confidence and encourage you. These are the people you will be counting on to help you keep going.
  5. Build up your Self-efficacy. Know your worth, your value, and believe in yourself. You can’t afford to doubt yourself.
  6. You may even think of situations that you may encounter and develop some preliminary plans on how you will handle them.
  7. Most importantly do not panic. As a person of faith, think of it as a test. Pray over the situation and ask God to help and lead you through it.

You will be just fine. So, rest in the assurance and peace that God has got you!

                      STOP, DROP, AND PRAY!

Be Well! God’s Be Love!

“Cast your burdens on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”    NIV


Rev. Dr. Betty M. Green
Associate Minister, Woodland Christian Church